Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl

Revolting Rhymes

Discover the hilariously twisted world of Roald Dahl with his iconic collection of poems, ‘Revolting Rhymes.’ This 1982 poetry book is a parody of traditional folk tales and features six well-known fairy tales with surprise endings. Dahl’s poems humorously deviate from the traditional versions, offering unexpected twists and dark humor that captivate readers of all ages.

Key Takeaways:

  • ‘Revolting Rhymes’ is a poetry collection by Roald Dahl, known for its humorous and twisted take on traditional fairy tales.
  • The book satirizes and parodies well-known stories, deviating from the familiar narratives to introduce unexpected twists and surprise endings.
  • In Cinderella, the prince chops off the heads of the ugly sisters, and Cinderella marries a jam-maker instead.
  • In Little Red Riding Hood, Riding Hood shoots the wolf and gains a new wolfskin coat.
  • ‘Revolting Rhymes’ has been adapted into a television film and an audio book, bringing Dahl’s poems to life in different formats.

Explore the international success of ‘Revolting Rhymes,’ with translations in various languages including Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, and Welsh.

Roald Dahl’s unique writing style, characterized by rhyme, humor, and imagination, shines through in this collection, creating a truly entertaining and memorable reading experience.

Uncover the lasting legacy of Roald Dahl and his impact on children’s literature with ‘Revolting Rhymes’ contributing to his literary genius.

A Parody of Traditional Folk Tales

In “Revolting Rhymes,” Roald Dahl playfully mocks traditional folk tales, adding his own unique spin to well-loved stories. This 1982 poetry collection features six popular fairy tales, each with a surprise ending that deviates from the conventional narrative.

For instance, in Dahl’s version of Cinderella, the prince takes a rather gruesome approach by chopping off the heads of both ugly sisters. And instead of marrying the prince, Cinderella ends up with a jam-maker. In another poem, Little Red Riding Hood takes matters into her own hands and shoots the wolf, ultimately gaining a new wolfskin coat.

“Revolting Rhymes” showcases Dahl’s wit and creativity as he subverts our expectations and injects unexpected humor into these classic tales.

This parody of traditional folk tales has gained popularity and has been adapted into a television film and an audio book. Furthermore, the book has been translated into several languages, including Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, and Welsh, making it accessible to readers around the world.

Fairy Tale Twist
Cinderella The prince chops off heads and Cinderella marries a jam-maker
Little Red Riding Hood Riding Hood shoots the wolf and gains a new wolfskin coat

In “Revolting Rhymes,” Roald Dahl showcases his talent for turning familiar stories upside down, offering readers a fresh and humorous take on traditional folk tales. With its playful parody and unexpected twists, this collection continues to captivate audiences and leave them with a smile.

Cinderella’s Gruesome Twist

Prepare to be amused and horrified as Roald Dahl gives Cinderella a revolting twist in ‘Revolting Rhymes.’ In his parody of the classic fairy tale, Dahl takes the familiar story and injects it with his trademark dark humor and unexpected plot twists.

In Dahl’s version of Cinderella, the prince’s declaration is far from charming. Instead of fitting the glass slipper on Cinderella’s foot, he demands that the ugly sisters chop off their toes and heels to make the shoe fit. As if that weren’t gruesome enough, the prince later discovers what the sisters have done and decides to take matters into his own hands. He swiftly beheads them both with his sword, leaving the reader both shocked and entertained by the outrageous turn of events.

This revolting twist on Cinderella showcases Dahl’s ability to subvert traditional fairy tales and challenge readers’ expectations. With his clever wordplay and macabre imagination, he creates a version of the story that is both wickedly funny and delightfully disturbing.

The Dark Humor of Dahl’s Rhymes

Dahl’s portrayal of Cinderella exemplifies his talent for balancing humor and horror. The poem’s grotesque events are delivered in a lyrical and rhythmic style, adding a layer of irony that underscores the absurdity of the story. Through his wickedly clever rhymes, Dahl immerses readers in a world where the unexpected reigns supreme.

“Revolting Rhymes” as a collection offers a range of similarly twisted tales, each with its own unique revolting twist. From Little Red Riding Hood’s unconventional ending to Snow White’s unexpected fate, Dahl’s poems leave a lasting impression on readers of all ages.

Fairy Tale Revolting Twist
Cinderella The prince beheads the ugly sisters and Cinderella marries a jam-maker instead.
Little Red Riding Hood Riding Hood shoots the wolf and gains a new wolfskin coat.
Snow White The seven dwarfs discover Snow White’s coffin filled with gold coins.

Through his revolting rhymes, Roald Dahl challenges the conventions of traditional fairy tales, infusing them with a dark and twisted humor that sets his work apart. With surprising plot twists, unexpected endings, and wickedly clever wordplay, “Revolting Rhymes” invites readers into a delightfully macabre world where the unimaginable becomes reality.

Little Red Riding Hood’s Unconventional Ending

Roald Dahl’s rendition of Little Red Riding Hood in ‘Revolting Rhymes’ subverts expectations and delivers a humorous twist you won’t see coming. In this twisted tale, Little Red Riding Hood takes matters into her own hands, transforming the narrative in an unconventional way.

“Grandma, what a big mouth you have!” she said.
“All the better to eat you with,” the Wolf replied, fed.
But Little Red Riding Hood saw through his disguise,
Pulled out a pistol and shot him right between the eyes.

Instead of being the helpless victim, Little Red Riding Hood becomes the hero of the story, outsmarting the cunning wolf with a surprising outcome. This unexpected twist adds an element of excitement and humor to the familiar fairy tale, captivating readers of all ages.

Dahl’s imaginative and witty take on well-known stories like Little Red Riding Hood showcases his talent for crafting memorable narratives that challenge traditional expectations. By turning the tables and providing unconventional endings, Dahl invites readers to question and reimagine the fairy tales they grew up with.

The Legacy of ‘Revolting Rhymes’

The unconventional retelling of Little Red Riding Hood is just one example of Roald Dahl’s creativity and ability to entertain. His collection ‘Revolting Rhymes’ has become a beloved classic, capturing the hearts of readers worldwide. Dahl’s unique writing style, full of humor and surprise, continues to enchant generations, leaving a lasting impact on children’s literature.

Language Transliteration
Afrikaans Afrikaans
Dutch Nederlands
French Français
Japanese 日本語
Korean 한국어
Norwegian Norsk
Spanish Español
Welsh Cymraeg

‘Revolting Rhymes’ has been translated into various languages, further expanding its reach and cultural impact. From Afrikaans to Welsh, Dahl’s imaginative tales have been enjoyed by readers around the globe, showcasing the universal appeal of his storytelling.

Adaptations of Revolting Rhymes

Experience the hilarity of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ beyond the written page with its adaptations into a television film and an audio book. Roald Dahl’s witty and twisted take on traditional fairy tales has been brought to life in different formats, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in the imaginative world of these rhymes.

The television film adaptation of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ captures the vibrant and humorous essence of Dahl’s poetry. Directed by Jan Lachauer and Jakob Schuh, this animated film beautifully combines the visual appeal of Dahl’s rhymes with captivating storytelling. Each poem is transformed into a delightful short animated segment, filled with colorful characters and unexpected plot twists.

For those who prefer to indulge in the rhymes on the go, the audio book version of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ offers a delightful listening experience. Narrated by acclaimed actors and voice artists, this adaptation brings Dahl’s words to life with their expressive readings and engaging performances. It allows listeners to fully appreciate the rhythm and flow of the poems, enhancing the overall entertainment value.

The Television Film: A Visual Treat

The television film adaptation of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ received critical acclaim for its imaginative animation and clever storytelling. It received numerous awards, including the International Emmy for Best Children’s Program and the BAFTA for Best Animation. The film’s captivating visuals and witty narratives make it a must-watch for fans of Dahl’s work.

Release Year Awards
2016 International Emmy for Best Children’s Program
2017 BAFTA for Best Animation

Additionally, the success of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ led to its translations into multiple languages, further expanding its global reach. Translated versions in languages such as Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, and Welsh have allowed readers and audiences from diverse backgrounds to enjoy Dahl’s twisted and humorous tales.

Whether you choose to watch the television film or listen to the audio book, experiencing the adaptations of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ is a delightful way to immerse yourself in the imaginative world of Roald Dahl. These adaptations bring his clever rhymes and unexpected endings to life, capturing the essence of his unique storytelling style.

International Reach and Translation

Experience the magic of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ in various languages, as Roald Dahl’s poetry collection has been translated into Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Welsh, and more. This widespread translation showcases the global appeal of Dahl’s twisted fairy tales, allowing readers from different cultural backgrounds to enjoy his unique storytelling style.

The translations of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ not only make the book accessible to a wider audience but also highlight the universality of Dahl’s humor and imagination. No matter the language, readers can still appreciate his witty wordplay and unexpected twists that set his poems apart.

To give you a glimpse of the international reception of ‘Revolting Rhymes,’ here’s a list of some of the translated editions:

Language Translated Title
Afrikaans Afskuwelike Rympies
Dutch Gruwelijke Rijmen
French Contes Vraiment Horribles
Japanese Gekiteki Douwashuu
Korean Miwojijil Ddaemuneun Gisul
Norwegian Rotte Rim i Trallala
Spanish Revolting Rhymes, Rimado con Asombro
Welsh Rhigwm Drwg

These translations not only preserve the essence of Dahl’s stories but also infuse them with the linguistic and cultural nuances of each language, making for a rich and diverse reading experience. Whether you prefer the original English text or choose to explore ‘Revolting Rhymes’ in translation, you’re bound to be captivated by Dahl’s imaginative twists on classic tales.

Roald Dahl’s Legacy

Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ contributes to his enduring legacy as a beloved author and master of twisted storytelling. This 1982 poetry collection is a parody of traditional folk tales, taking well-known fairy tales and giving them unexpected and humorous twists. With his unique imagination and witty wordplay, Dahl captivates readers of all ages, challenging the conventions of storytelling and leaving a lasting impact on the world of children’s literature.

‘Revolting Rhymes’ stands as a testament to Dahl’s ability to entertain and engage readers through his dark humor and unconventional narratives. The poems in this collection deviate from the traditional versions of fairy tales, introducing surprise endings that often defy expectations. For instance, in Dahl’s retelling of Cinderella, the prince chops off the heads of the ugly sisters, while Cinderella marries a jam-maker instead. Similarly, Little Red Riding Hood shoots the wolf and gains a new wolfskin coat, providing an unconventional and humorous twist to the familiar tale.

Since its publication, ‘Revolting Rhymes’ has garnered widespread acclaim and has been adapted into different formats. A television film and an audio book have brought Dahl’s twisted tales to life, captivating audiences visually and audibly. Furthermore, the book has been translated into various languages, including Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, and Welsh, highlighting its international reach and the global appeal of Dahl’s imaginative storytelling.

Translations of ‘Revolting Rhymes’ Languages
Afrikaans Afrikaans
Dutch Dutch
French French
Japanese Japanese
Korean Korean
Norwegian Norwegian
Spanish Spanish
Welsh Welsh

Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ continues to entertain and inspire readers around the world. His legacy as an extraordinary author lives on through the enduring popularity of this collection, as well as his other beloved works. With his unique storytelling style and ability to inject humor into even the darkest of tales, Dahl remains an iconic figure in the realm of children’s literature, captivating the imaginations of young and old alike.

The Humor and Entertainment of Revolting Rhymes

Discover the laughter and entertainment that await within the pages of Roald Dahl’s “Revolting Rhymes.” This 1982 poetry collection is a delightful parody of traditional folk tales, offering a fresh and humorous take on well-known fairy tales. Dahl’s witty and satirical poems will have readers of all ages chuckling with delight.

Each poem in “Revolting Rhymes” takes a familiar fairy tale and turns it on its head, offering unexpected twists and surprise endings. For example, in the retelling of Cinderella, the prince not only marries the princess, but also takes revenge on the wicked stepsisters by chopping off their heads. Instead of marrying the prince, Cinderella ends up with a jam-maker! These darkly funny and unconventional plot twists showcase Dahl’s unique storytelling ability.

The book has been widely celebrated for Dahl’s clever wordplay and imaginative storytelling. It offers a perfect blend of humor and entertainment, captivating readers with its playful language and unexpected surprises. Each poem is filled with Dahl’s signature wit, making “Revolting Rhymes” a joy to read aloud and share with others.

Languages Translations
Afrikaans Roald Dahl’s Krokige Rympies
Dutch Rijmsoep
French Contes très cruels pour les enfants sages
Japanese きみどりのおふくろ

Furthermore, “Revolting Rhymes” has been adapted into a television film and an audio book, bringing Dahl’s humorous and twisted tales to life in different formats. The popularity of this collection and its adaptations speaks to the enduring appeal and cultural significance of Roald Dahl’s work.

So, dive into the world of “Revolting Rhymes” and experience the laughter, entertainment, and sheer delight that these poems offer. Whether you’re a child or an adult, the humor and imagination of Roald Dahl’s writing will leave you wanting more.

Exploring Roald Dahl’s Writing Style

Uncover the genius behind Roald Dahl’s writing style as you delve into the pages of ‘Revolting Rhymes.’ Known for his distinctive and imaginative storytelling, Dahl’s unique approach to writing captivates readers of all ages.

In ‘Revolting Rhymes,’ Dahl showcases his mastery of rhyme and rhythm, creating a melodic flow that adds to the humor and entertainment of the collection. His clever use of language and wordplay elevates the poems, making them memorable and enjoyable to read.

Dahl’s writing style is characterized by its unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on their toes until the very end. He takes well-known fairy tales and turns them upside down, infusing them with dark humor and unconventional plotlines. This subversion of expectations is what makes ‘Revolting Rhymes’ such a delightful and refreshing read.

Through his witty and satirical poems, Dahl challenges the conventions of traditional folk tales, offering a new perspective on familiar stories. His imaginative storytelling transports readers into a world where anything is possible, allowing them to see old tales in a completely different light.

The Legacy of Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl’s writing style in ‘Revolting Rhymes’ has left a lasting impact on children’s literature. His ability to blend humor, rhyme, and unexpected endings continues to inspire and entertain readers around the world. Whether it’s through his clever wordplay or his imaginative storytelling, Dahl’s legacy as a beloved author lives on through his timeless works.

Languages Translations
Afrikaans Gruffelstories
Dutch Gruwelijke Rijmen
French Histoires grinçantes de Roald Dahl
Japanese ぞっこんのきょく
Korean 역겨운 동화
Norwegian Grisete Rim
Spanish Rimas y leyendas asquerosas
Welsh Rhigwmwmeiddiau


Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ is a one-of-a-kind collection that will entertain and delight readers with its hilarious twists on classic tales. Published in 1982, this poetry collection is a parody of traditional folk tales, presenting six well-known fairy tales with surprise endings that humorously deviate from the traditional versions.

One notable example is Dahl’s retelling of Cinderella, where the prince takes a shocking action, and Cinderella ends up marrying a jam-maker instead of the prince. Another twisted tale is Little Red Riding Hood, where Riding Hood shoots the wolf and gains a new wolfskin coat. These unexpected plot twists add a dark humor and unconventional charm to the stories.

‘Revolting Rhymes’ has captured the imagination of readers across different platforms. It has been adapted into a television film and an audio book, bringing Dahl’s witty and satirical poems to life in different formats. Furthermore, the book’s international success is evident in its translations into various languages, such as Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, and Welsh.

Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ contributes to his enduring literary legacy. With his distinctive writing style, marked by clever wordplay and imaginative storytelling, Dahl captivates readers of all ages. His ability to turn familiar tales upside-down and present them in a humorous and entertaining way is what makes ‘Revolting Rhymes’ a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good laugh and appreciates a fresh take on classic stories.


What is "Revolting Rhymes"?

“Revolting Rhymes” is a poetry collection written by British author Roald Dahl. It is a parody of traditional folk tales and features unexpected twists and surprise endings.

Which fairy tales are included in "Revolting Rhymes"?

“Revolting Rhymes” includes retellings of six well-known fairy tales, including Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and The Three Little Pigs.

How does "Revolting Rhymes" deviate from traditional versions of the stories?

Roald Dahl’s poems in “Revolting Rhymes” humorously deviate from the traditional versions of the fairy tales, introducing unexpected plot twists and surprise endings.

Has "Revolting Rhymes" been adapted into other forms of media?

Yes, “Revolting Rhymes” has been adapted into a television film and an audio book, bringing Dahl’s twisted tales to life in different formats.

In how many languages has "Revolting Rhymes" been translated?

“Revolting Rhymes” has been translated into various languages, including Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, and Welsh, among others.

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